15 million Americans face harsh weather this week. 

About 15 million people in the central United States are at risk of severe weather due to a storm system that is expected to travel across the nation this week. 

The initial wave of storms is predicted by the FOX Forecast Center to form throughout the Plains on Thursday.

With the threat from Friday being located farther north and east, over the eastern Plains and Midwest.  

Like in the past, the threats are anticipated to start out as hail and strong winds. 

But will probably turn into a tornado hazard when more components and moisture become available. 

Three states' worth of localities are at higher risk of severe weather on Thursday. 

Oklahoma City, Wichita Falls, Texas, and Wichita, Kansas, are all located in the heightened danger area.  

Much more of the heartland is predicted to be in danger of thunderstorms on Friday. 

The April 12, 2024 Edition of Your Daily FinanceScope 

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