3 Dangerous Beliefs That Can Dramatically Reduce Your Earnings  

You may not have heard of raising your financial thermostat.   

A financial thermostat—how do you raise it? In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker says your financial thermostat controls how much money you can make and maintain.  

Like your home's thermostat, your financial thermostat keeps you from making more or less than set. Increasing your income will cost you.  

An unforeseen expense may arise. If you make less than your financial thermostat, you may get extra money. Subconscious money ideas control your financial thermostat.   

Even after taking seminars on handling huge sums of money, 80% of lottery winners lose all or most of their riches within five years, destroying your enjoyment.  

1. If I make more money than my family, they will be upset.

As a result, in order to maintain your status as a member of your tribe, you will only earn the same amount as the other members of your family.  

It is possible that the fear of being rejected by friends is a potent subconscious drive that keeps people in the same wage group.  

2. If I make more money than my friends, they will be jealous.

Many individuals rationalize this idea by convincing themselves that wealth is not as significant as they believe it to be or that it is immoral to have the desire to be wealthy.  

3. I'm not meant to be rich.


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