6 Lessons from a Man's Mother-Son Relationship  

No matter his sexuality, a man's relationship with his mother will shape his character.  

It's usually the first person he had a close relationship with and the one who influenced his morals and worldview.  

When you meet a man, observe his mother-son bond. It will disclose much about him or how he interacts with his love partners.  

Does he avoid his mother because she bothers him, not because he's forgetful? He's a people-pleaser and insecure, so if she irritates him, he can't correct her. He's scared telling her how he feels may upset her or elicit additional criticism.  

1. If he avoids his mother altogether ...

He needs "Mommy's approval," even at forty. Dare I say? Run! This man will adore and spoil you. This dude thinks women matter. Positives, all? Yes, they are. Unfortunately, his world has only one Queen Bee, and it's not you. It's her.  

2. If his mother dictates his life ...

His connection with his mother is volatile from the start and ugly. She's either a mess or disappoints or disappoints him so horribly that she can't start over. He always retains a grudge, so you must meet his requirements to be around him.  

3. If he openly hates his mother ...

His mother is close, yet she doesn't control him. However, he fears disappointing her and sneaks about to do what he wants, especially if he believes she won't approve.  

4. If he fears disappointing his mother...  

He respects women and wants his partner's opinion, yet he's immature and can't make decisions. He's the first to aid others in the family, which is nice, yet he complains behind people's backs about his duties while feeling obligated.  

5. If he completely clings to his mother ...

His mom certainly knows more about his relationships than a romantic partner would like, but if she doesn't like his partner, he'll tell her to back off.  

6. If his mother is his best friend ...

Does Intermittent Fasting Damage Your Heart? What We Know. 

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