7 things a narcissist will do when you finally stand up to them

Deflection and Gaslighting: Narcissists are masters of deflection and gaslighting, techniques they use to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and make you doubt your own perceptions. 

Projection: Narcissists often project their own flaws and insecurities onto others as a way of deflecting attention away from themselves. When you stand up to a narcissist, they may accuse you of the very things they are guilty of. 

Rage and Anger: Narcissists have a low tolerance for criticism and may react with rage or anger when confronted. They might yell, insult you, or even become physically aggressive in an attempt to intimidate you into backing down. This aggressive reaction is often a way for them to regain a sense of control and dominance over the situation 

Silent Treatment: Another common tactic narcissists use when confronted is the silent treatment. They may completely ignore you or withdraw emotionally as a way of punishing you for challenging them. 

Playing the Victim: Narcissists often see themselves as victims in any situation, even when they're the ones who have caused harm. When confronted, they may play the victim card in an attempt to garner sympathy and deflect blame. 

Love Bombing: Love bombing is a manipulation tactic where the narcissist showers you with affection and praise to regain your trust and affection after you've confronted them. They may apologize profusely, promise to change, and act overly charming and attentive in an attempt to reel you back in.  

Hoovering: Hoovering is another manipulation tactic narcissists use to regain control after you've confronted them. It involves trying to suck you back into the relationship or situation by any means necessary.  

They may reach out with seemingly heartfelt apologies or promises of change, or they may use guilt-tripping or manipulation to make you feel obligated to forgive them.  

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