Almond-Milk Strawberry Chia Pudding  

This weekend, I wanted a simple treat. It had to taste excellent and be easy to create. It have to use my pantry ingredients.  

After a quick kitchen inventory, I made a delicious low-carb strawberry chia pudding with almond milk. Although our strawberry plants aren't fruiting yet, I had some frozen strawberries.  

This delectable dessert just a few basic ingredients. I used low-carb sweeteners, almond milk, chia seeds, lemon juice,   

and frozen strawberries. You'll need vanilla extract if you only have plain sweeteners because one provides vanilla flavour.  

I've made chia pudding several times, but never with fruit. Berry and chia seeds go well together, for some reason.  

I used strawberries, but any berries work. When the blueberries arrive, I'll try them in the recipe.  

I considered pureeing frozen strawberries but chopped them instead. Strawberry chia pudding with almond milk has fruit pieces.  

I limited fruit to reduce fructose per serving.  

Those with nut allergies can substitute almond milk. The recipe works with any low-carb milk beverage. Coconut flavour makes me want to try coconut milk next time.  

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