A lava tube in the Arabian desert was home to prehistoric humanity.  

Under Saudi Arabia's scorching desert for thousands of years, people found refuge in lava-formed underground tunnels.  

In the northern Saudi Arabian deserts, archaeologists have discovered evidence of human living within lava tubes for the first time.  

Cavities known as lava tubes are created when a volcano erupts. Hot molten rock flows beneath the surface of a river of lava, cooling and solidifying beneath it.  

Eventually, the tube gets started leak lava, producing a tunnel in its wake.    

Scientists intend to drill two boreholes into a liquid rock reservoir in Iceland.  

One might significantly increase geothermal power, while the other will provide our first direct observations of magma.  

Among the world's most dull nations is Iceland. That's meant to be a complement rather than a slight.   

Thousands of boreholes that have been bored deep into the rock to harvest geothermal energy are sprinkled throughout the island nation.  

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