Are White, Middle-Class Mothers Less Satisfied Than Any Other Group?  

The title should read: Are White, Middle-Class, College-Educated, Married, Cisgender Mothers the Unhappiest? But that was a mouthful.  

Motherhood has thrown me for a loop as a white, middle-class, college-educated, married, cisgender woman.   

I started writing to challenge traditional norms about motherhood, employment, women, and marriage.  

When I became a mother in 2011, the Internet was full of mommy hacks and blogs.  

My BabyCenter blog was brief.  

Even though only takes a few keystrokes to find dozens of innovative methods to mix cheese and carbs or sneak greens into smoothies, I found little that addressed my fundamental issues.  

After reading Rachel Cohen's Vox piece, How Millennials Learned to Dread Motherhood, I felt vindicated and defensive.  

The writer acknowledged that until the second decade of this century, there were few articles, books, shows, or other media that didn't downplay or romanticize parenting, which validated me.   


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