Blueberry Protein Pancake

A easy recipe for blueberry protein pancakes using egg whites, banana, and protein powder. They are quite simple to prepare and delicious!

I'm quite pleased about this simple blueberry protein pancake recipe. This is one of my favorite pancake recipes ever!

To be honest, I never liked pancakes because I didn't eat them as a child. We were more of a biscuit and gravy family, but when I tried protein pancakes for the first time approximately five years ago, I was hooked.

I now have protein pancakes for breakfast at least once a week, and I occasionally have them as a snack.

The first protein pancake recipe I attempted came from the Tone It Up nutrition plan. It was simple and very wonderful, and it converted me into a pancake fan.

Today's recipe was inspired by the original Tone It Up recipe, which I fell in love with years ago, but I tweaked it a little to suit my current technique and tastes.

Cook over low heat, using nonstick spray. If you use medium to high heat, the outside of the pancake will cook too quickly and burn before the middle is set.

When small bubbles develop over the pancake and your spatula easily slides beneath it, the pancake is ready to flip.

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