Buffalo Bills sale could reportedly be motivated by staggering cost overruns for new stadium

Last week, Buffalo Bills owner Terry Pegula made headlines in the NFL when he revealed that he was considering selling a small portion of the multibillion-dollar team.  

The purpose of the exploratory sale may now become clear in light of fresh information regarding the escalating cost of the new Bills stadium.  

With NFL revenue surging and a more promising future for the team after the completion of the new stadium,  

the Pegula family may have been capitalizing on a thriving market full of investors seeking to own a stake in an NFL team.  

Nonetheless, the sudden interest in a partial team sale this year may have a different source of motivation.  

Over the weekend, The Buffalo News reported that cost overruns for the new Bills stadium might cause the project, which was originally estimated to cost $1.4 billion,  

end up costing at least $2 billion when the stadium is built. Crucially, the Bills would be responsible for the $600 million in overruns.  

Additionally, this wouldn't be the first time that the new Bills stadium's expenses have significantly surpassed their original estimate.  

According to John Wawrow of the AP, cost overruns for the Bills stadium were close to $300 million in August 2023.   

In less than a year, that sum is getting close to $600 million. It's noteworthy that the new stadium won't open until autumn of 2026.  

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