Cardamom and Yogurt Cooler  

Yogurt-based drinks, including Indian lassis, Turkish ayran, Persian doogh, Iraqi Shinna, and Bangladeshi borhani, are popular all over the world.   

They are popular for their flavor and the relaxing anti-inflammatory effects they are claimed to have on the body, particularly after consuming hot foods.  

Yogurt drinks have existed for ages. Historians have discovered signs of ayran and lassis dating back as early as 1000 BC.   

Yogurt drinks range in thickness; some are made with flat or carbonated water, while others are just blended.   

They can be sweet or savory, and are flavored with spices such as saffron, cardamom, or rosewater, as well as herbs, particularly fresh or dried mint.  

They are also frequently combined with cucumbers or with fruit, such as mangoes, strawberries, and bananas.  

Yogurt drinks are pleasant and easy to make. While most of these beverages are produced by combining common components such as water  

Labneh, a tangy yogurt mainstay in Middle Eastern cuisine, serves as the foundation for this refreshing drink.  

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