Chocolate-Chia Pudding with Rasberries

Use chocolate almond milk instead of plain almond milk for an extra chocolatey flavor without adding extra sweeteners. 

Add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to the mixture for an even deeper chocolate flavor. 

Mix in a tablespoon of maple syrup or honey if you prefer a sweeter pudding. 

Top the pudding with sliced bananas or strawberries for added sweetness and texture. 

Incorporate a tablespoon of nut butter, such as almond or peanut butter, for added protein and richness. 

Sprinkle chopped nuts or seeds, such as almonds or pumpkin seeds, on top for added crunch and nutrition. 

Experiment with different fruits, such as blueberries or sliced peaches, to change up the flavor profile. 

If you're short on time, you can speed up the process by using a blender to mix the ingredients instead of stirring by hand. Just pulse until well combined, then refrigerate as usual. 

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