Climate change means deadly heat for Europe

The Rom people in June of 2022. A new analysis indicates that there has been a 30% increase in heat-related mortality in Europe over the past 20 years.

A recent study by climate scientists in Europe found that the continent is warming at a rate twice that of the rest of the planet, and that this heat is causing a significant increase in summer fatalities.

European researchers from the Copernicus Climate Change Service and their UN counterparts found that heat-related fatalities have surged by 30% in the previous two decades.

The majority of people reside in urban areas, making these areas more vulnerable to health effects, according to José Álvaro Silva of the U.N.’s World Meteorological Organization. 

Cities are warming faster than rural places due to the higher thermal conductivity of buildings and roadways, and they also have a higher human density.

Europe saw firsthand how harmful heat can be in the summer of 2023. Intense heat and humidity during a July heat wave made nearly half of Southern Europe feel as hot as 110 degrees or greater.

People without air conditioning aren't going to make it through that kind of weather. 

Although the exact number of casualties caused by the heat wave is yet to be determined, experts predict that it will be in the tens of thousands. 

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