Couples with these eight characteristics have the most desirable relationships.

Care Showing your partner that you care is as simple as opening a door or cooking a meal, but you must also express it verbally. Some people never say the three little words, which is hard on your mate.  

Consideration Some may view it as care on steroids. Being considerate involves going out of your way to make your significant other feel cherished. When you go out of your way, your actions speak louder than your words.  

Communication A willingness and desire for communication is paramount to any successful relationship. Given that we have so many ways to communicate in our techno world, there is no excuse for not talking it out with your partner.

Compromise An ability to reach a compromise is such a valuable tool in your relationship. If you go in thinking you need to have it all your way, nothing will please you.

Confidence We need to know that our relationship is safe and that our partner loves us. This is in our DNA. Without a sense of belonging, you cannot grow and prosper, and your desires will always be elusive. Threatening your relationship when you are arguing is unfair.

Comfort It is easier than you think to make your partner uncomfortable, and we sometimes do it unintentionally. If you're upset and carry it with you, it will come out in your tone, attitude, and behavior.  

Cherishing Feeling adored, as if you are the most important person in your partner's life, will keep the two of you together since you are respected and affirmed by one another. Knowing that your lover thinks highly of you can give you immense strength.  

Cheerleading Having a good cheerleader by your side when the chips are down or gone can help you deal with any problem and get back on your feet. Life is easier when your partner lifts you and tells you that you can reach your goals, and you are much more likely to have a better relationship because you feel you deserve it.

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