Edi Gathegi Shows Off Shredded Physique for James Gunn's Superman Movie Role

In preparation for his upcoming film Superman, actor Edi Gathegi, who will play Mister Terrific, has been showcasing his amazing physical change.   

Gathegi, who is well-known for his parts in a number of movies and TV shows, has obviously spent a lot of time and energy getting ready physically to play the DCU character.  

Details about Gathegi's portrayal of Mister Terrific have excited fans of the superhero genre as they wait impatiently for Superman.  

Details about Mister Terrific's outfit and on-screen presence are still to come, but Gathegi's physical metamorphosis provides a promising look into his portrayal of the role.  

The actor can be seen performing arm curls with a 100-pound barbell in an Instagram Story that was uploaded on Reddit by his personal trainer Paolo Mascitti.  

Gathegi showed off his physique last month to celebrate his 45th birthday.

Story shared by his personal trainer Paolo Mascitti and posted on Reddit, the actor is seen doing arm curls with a 100-pound barbell. 

specifics regarding Mister Terrific's costume and appearance in the film have yet to be unveiled. 

has evidently dedicated time and effort to preparing himself physically to embody the DCU character. 

As anticipation builds for Superman, details regarding Gathegi's portrayal of Mister Terrific have sparked excitement among fans of the superhero genre. 

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