How to watch, get tickets to the 2022 Iowa high school girls state basketball tournament

 Soon, the girls state basketball competition will begin.   

 The Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union tournament begins next Monday at Wells Fargo Arena with,,, 

 the Class 5A quarterfinals at 10 a.m. It concludes with Saturday's 7 p.m. Class 1A championship game.  

 This is one of the state's most thrilling sporting seasons every year, and 2022 is no exception.   

 How to watch and follow the 2022 IGHSAU girls state basketball tournament. 

 You can buy tournament tickets at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines or through the Iowa Events Center. All $10 tickets are general admission.  

 You can buy tournament tickets at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines or through the Iowa Events Center. All $10 tickets are general admission.   

 After their game, progressing teams' fans can buy semifinal and championship tickets online or at the box office.   

 Online ticket purchases are advised.   

 Anytime, southwest arena box office windows sell advance round tickets.   

 Advanced ticket sales windows behind Section 101 will open immediately after each quarterfinal and semifinal game and stay open until halftime of the following game.   

 See all 2022 Iowa state girls basketball tournament brackets.   

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