Matcha lovers, it's time to meet the latte of your dreams.  Saketini  

There are few traditions I cherish more than setting off on an afternoon of errands after paying between $6 and $8 for a specialty   

Maybe you're familiar with the Target run sandwiched between a stop to pick up a last-minute birthday gift and a Goodwill drop-off, the manicure  

Favorite consignment store, which happens to be next to the bodega with the good eucalyptus and hydrangeas   

Cheerfully branded cup that goes from scorching hot to tepid in no time thanks to the windchill.   

I've tried my fair share of candy cane cold brews, butterfly pea flower CBD lattes, and basically everything matcha-related under the sun.  

Usually, these are ephemeral dalliances, similar to listening to a single song or album on repeat for a few weeks before moving on and never looking back.  

But when I purchased my first hojicha latte at Blue Bottle Coffee on 12th and University Place in Manhattan (after a trip to J.Crew  

For weeks following, I found myself yearning the earthy, toasted, toffee-esque mix of the powdered leaves and frothed oat milk  

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