One of the most iconic moments in Spider-Man's 60 year history is rewritten in Ultimate Spider-Man

That's a slight variation on one of the most famous quotes in all of comics, if not all of fiction. 

The original quote goes, "With great power must also come great responsibility," wisdom imparted by Uncle Ben onto Peter Parker which has guided him for over 60 years as Spider-Man.

Now, in Ultimate Spider-Man #4, a version of those words - "With great power comes great responsibility" 

spoken by a very different character who has a totally different relationship with Peter Parker, helping cement his new origin as Spider-Man. 

But the words themselves may still have the same impact on Peter's direction as a hero that they did all the way back in 1963's Amazing Fantasy #15, 

person who offers him this fateful advice may have an even bigger role in Peter's new Spidey origin than we even realized. 

Ultimate Spider-Man #4 by writer Jonathan Hickman, artist David Messina, color artist Matthew Wilson, and letterer Cory Petit primarily consists of a double dinner date between Peter Parker and his wife Mary Jane Watson 

The meal progresses in a fairly normal but vaguely intense way, as Harry and Gwen do their best to relate to Peter and MJ, with the barrier of Harry and Gwen's vast wealth and high-powered jobs 

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