Six Intriguing Things About Your Life That Your Expense Patterns Tell

There are strong arguments to modify your strategy if you've avoided talking about money throughout your life. On the surface and in the deepest sense, money is a mirror of who we are.   

With time, patterns become evident. You will start to see why you make the same decisions over and over again after you take the time to isolate and analyze the commonalities between your patterns and quirks.   

Money is a representation of valuation. Your core values represent what you consider your most important life principles. Deepest of all is how you value yourself — what you will spend money on and how to further yourself and your objectives. 

You can identify your underlying worries by looking at the ways in which you self-sabotage. You can see how your financial activities are influenced by your attitude, beliefs, and emotions.   

It would help if you acted on your conviction for lasting results. It isn't sufficient to simply understand where you're holding yourself back but not take action. 

Money can be used to express your values and demonstrate deliberate choices. When you spend money this way, you are required to say "no" to other options that don't fit your value criteria. 

With money as a tool, we can express our preferences, live our purpose and mission, and enact our vision. It can help us connect with others, expand our world, and be an instrument for world change.  

Money answers don’t necessarily come easily or automatically, even when we are in alignment with our lives. By staying within our values and integrity, we can unravel our attitudes, uncover our resistance  

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