The 10  Best Foods to Eat in the Morning

 Protein, fiber, and minerals make up a healthy breakfast. Eggs, whole wheat toast with toppings, almonds, and green tea make healthful breakfasts.  

 Eggs and toast for breakfast reduced hunger more than bran cereal, suggesting that the higher protein consumption (25 grams vs. 11 grams) made participants feel fuller.  

 1. Eggs 

 Trusted Source is a creamy, high-protein yogurt created by separating whey and other liquid from milk curds.  

 2. Greek yogurt 

 Most adults can safely drink up to 3 cups (710 ml) of coffee each day, or 400 mg of caffeine, according to Trusted Source.  

 3. Coffee 

 Oats are rolled or steel-cut to make oatmeal. It provides antioxidants, probiotics, and beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol and glucose.  

 4. Oatmeal 

 All fruits have fiber, vitamins, minerals, and simple sugars and are low in calories. Fruit fiber slows sugar absorption, providing continuous energy.

 5. Fruit 

 Research demonstrates that your body retains water to dilute salt before excreting it when you eat too much. You may feel bloated from the extra "water weight."   

 6. Berries 

 Soluble fiber absorbs water and increases meal volume in your digestive track, helping you feel fuller.Been trusted longer.

 7. Chia seeds 

 Complex carbs and fiber are abundant in whole grain toast. These digest slowly, keep you full, and lower blood sugar than white flour breads and pastries.

 8. Whole grain toast 

 All nuts provideReliable magnesium, potassium, heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, and antioxidants.

 9. Nuts 

 Green tea is a calming morning drink. It has caffeine, but half as much as coffee.

 10. Green tea 

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