The 10 Top Hydrating Fruit

 Are you experiencing thirst? There is no question that you could go for a glass of water, but you could also try biting into a juicy piece of fruit in order to satisfy your thirst for water.

 "Additionally, it's one of those fruits that doesn't have as much fiber as other fruits, so it can provide quick energy," explains Kimberlain. 


 The lowdown: The USDA reports 3.3 g of fiber per cup of halved strawberries, or 11% of your DV, making it a decent source. Harvard says fiber helps control appetite and blood sugar   


 The USDA reports 2.2 g of fiber per small grapefruit, or 8% of your DV. Like other citrus fruits, it's a good source of vitamin C, with 69 mg, or 76% of your DV.  


 Due to its 90% water content, cantaloupe will hydrate you on a hot day (or cold day) and provide other nutrients with each slice.  

 Cantaloupe Comes Loaded With Beta-Carotene and H2O

 According to Lydon, peaches and plums are a tasty way to stay hydrated because they contain 88% water.  

 Peaches, a Juicy Stone Fruit

 Raspberries comprise 86 percent water and 8 g of fiber per cup, according to the USDA, approximately 30% of your DV, making them a great source.  


 Put pineapples in your cart. Besides natural sweetness and hydration (85% water), they provide many health benefits.  

 Pineapple Is a Sweet Way to Eat Your Water

 Cranberries are traditionally a Thanksgiving side dish, but they can provide hydration and health benefits.  

 Cranberries Are Surprisingly 

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. The USDA says one normal orange has 97 mg of the vitamin, which is your DV. Additionally, the USDA reports 274 mg of potassium, 6% of your DV.  

 Oranges Are Known for Vitamin C

 The USDA reports 17 calories and 1 g of fiber per normal apricot, or 3% of your DV. According to the USDA, a small apricot provides 34 mcg of vitamin A, or 4% of your DV, and 382 mcg of beta-carotene.   

 Apricots Have Plenty of H2O and Antioxidants 

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