The best Final Fantasy game of all time is now cheaper than ever

One of the best settings in role-playing game (RPG) history—or perhaps all of videogame history—is Midgar, which appears in Final Fantasy 7.   

Final Fantasy X has a fantastic plot, Final Fantasy 9 has a great opening, and I really want the job system from Final Fantasy 5 to be back.  

But even with all these great features and the multiplayer appeal of Final Fantasy 14, there is still one Final Fantasy game that surpasses them all. Despite being sometimes disparaged and ignored, it is currently more affordable than ever before.  

In terms of role-playing games, Final Fantasy 8 stands head and shoulders above the others.  

It's far from flawless. When the plot abruptly switches to a new group of characters and you have to manually transfer their talents, the GF and Junctioning systems make you spend too much time in the menus.  

Similarly, while you're within Ultimecia's castle for the last few hours, you'll mostly be bouncing between save spots and attempting to grind your way through annoying,  

pointless foes. This last dungeon is so lengthy and poorly conceived that it completely kills any narrative momentum that the game has built up before the end.  

Everything is forgiven, though. At its pinnacle, Final Fantasy 8 mixes the series'  

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