The Fallacy of "Quality Time" According to Parenting Authorities  

A chatty talk show presenter asked a megastar, "How do you balance a busy schedule with two kids and a husband?"    

She said "It's all about quality — every time you spend time ....

....with your family make sure it's quality — quantity doesn't matter."   

Wait, what? Quantity doesn't matter? Really? Well-respected research suggests that...

...the quantity of time parents spend with their children doesn't matter as long as it's focused, present "quality" time.    

After ordering your favorite Extra-Large White Chocolate Mocha at your favorite coffee shop, the barista brings you a little cup. Think of it as a dentist's rinse cup. One shot replaces 20 ounces of silky go-go juice. She adds "This is the highest quality White Chocolate Mocha!"   

1. Ordering your coffee

Like a Sasquatch sighting, date night is unusual. Now that you can finish a sentence without a child interrupting and eat without cutting meat, it's a fantastic time to bond.  

2. Out with your spouse for date night

Your son returns for summer break after months of texting. You anticipate his favorite—family game night. You're glad he recalls as he sits down and shuffles the cards. He wins the first hand with trash talk.  

3. Hanging out with your son 


Homeowner furious after lawn service sprays yard against their wishes: ‘They said someone would call back’