10 Best Healthy Breakfast Foods to Eat

 Even while health professionals disagree on whether breakfast really is the most essential meal of the day, studies do show that a balanced breakfast is beneficial. What you consume first thing in the morning has the power to shape your whole day.  

 Potassium, vitamin A, fiber, and other minerals are abundant in sweet potatoes. With nut butter's healthful fats and protein and apples' fiber, you have a balanced breakfast.  

 1. Baked Sweet Potato 

 "Oats are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that promote good digestion, steady energy, and healthy cholesterol," explains To Taste's Lexi Endicott, RD, Chia seeds provide healthy fat, protein .

 2. Overnight Oat

 Lentils make a tasty breakfast basis despite their unusual appearance. Shahzadi Devje, M.Sc., RD, CDE, of Desirious RD, enjoys them for breakfast.  

 3. Lentil Breakfast Bowl

 Quinoa can replace oats for variety. "Quinoa isn't just for lunch or dinner," says Sound Bites Nutrition's Lisa Andrews, M.Ed., RD, LD. It has fiber, iron, and protein to keep you satiated longer.  

 4. Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

 Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast option. According to Christie Gagnon, RD, LD of Hoorah to Health, soluble fiber in them regulates blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and keeps you full longer than other cereals.  

 5. Savory Oatmeal Bowl

 Rushing? Taking a smoothie on the move is convenient and nutritious. Christa Brown Dietitian owner Christa Brown, M.S., RDN, suggests combining protein, calcium, and probiotics with kefir.  

 6. Kefir Smoothie

 This recipe is popular since it's fast, filling, and tasty. Try whole-grain toast with protein for extra fiber and enjoyment. Younkin recommends two eggs cooked your way. Another fantastic choice is smoked salmon.  

 7. Avocado Toast

 Tofu scrambles are a terrific way to obtain extra plant-based protein, which has many health benefits, whether you're vegan or an occasional plant-based eater.   

 8. Tofu Scramble

 Another quick breakfast for hectic mornings is a Greek yogurt parfait. Greek yogurt is more filling since it has higher protein. Skip flavored yogurts and add fruit to reduce sugar.   

 9. Greek Yogurt Parfait

 Weekends are good for making waffles or pancakes for the week. Whole-grain choices, like whole-wheat flour or oats, are optimal for blood sugar stability and prolonged satisfaction.  

 10. Whole-Grain Waffles 

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