Ukraine launches its first long-range ATACMS attack on Russia.  

A National Security Council spokesman claimed that although the United States gave Ukraine the potent ballistic missiles this month, it kept the information secret for operational security concerns.  

The Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) will be put to the test in real time in 2021 at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.  

According to three U.S. officials, Ukraine's military has already used the potent long-range ballistic missiles that the United States initially gave it earlier this month twice against Russian soldiers.

The first strike, which targeted a Russian military airfield, occurred on the morning of April 17 around 100 kilometers inside Crimea's border, according to the officials.  

The $300 million military aid package was revealed on March 12 and included them.  

The ATACMS was surreptitiously sent to Ukraine by President Joe Biden's national security staff, according the spokeswoman.  

With the potent missiles' 300-kilometer (187-mile) range, Ukraine is now able to hit hard-to-reach areas of eastern Ukraine that are under Russian occupation, as well as the entirety of Crimea.  

Additionally, the White House withheld its decision to deploy the medium-range ATACMS in 2023 and only admitted it after Ukraine had deployed them in war 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated the fresh assistance will provide his nation a "victory" as it defends itself against Russia during a Sunday appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press." 

The April 12, 2024 Edition of Your Daily FinanceScope 

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